Thursday, September 16, 2010

Live in Glasgow

I remember seeing a few of these "Seven Seas Records" albums here and there over the years. The impression that I got was that it was a very small, short-run pressed-silver bootleg company, and that their work was re-booted by somebody else on CD-R.

From Roxy Art

From Roxy Art

Obviously this isn't a complete show; it looks like Seven Seas just pilfered the tracks from various B-sides that were issued in 1993 and put them in one place. Neat little cover effect, for what it's worth.

I don't think you can believe that this was made in Australia any more than you could believe if it said "Made on the moon," but who knows, some very interesting boots came out of that country, including at least three that might show up here. The use of the phrase "the ultimate in quality" suggests the 'leggers knew their history.

I personally never saw this for sale, but after I either downloaded the art from somebody's site or received it in trade from someone to accompany the CD-R, and remembered the Seven Seas logo. I saw that same logo at least twice more at record stores on other bands' bootlegs, so somebody was selling these somewhere.

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